Wednesday August 14, 2019

R1: 5 rounds:

4 Bar Muscle-ups

100 double-unders

10 DB hang split snatches (55 | 80 lb.)

10 DB hang clean and jerks (55 | 80 lb.)

Time cap: 20 minutes

R2: 5 rounds:

2 Banded Bar Muscle-ups

50 double-unders

10 DB hang split snatches (55/35)

10 DB hang clean and jerks (55/35)

Time cap: 20 minutes

R3: 5 rounds:

8 Strict Pull-ups

200 Single Unders

10 DB hang split snatches (30/15)

10 DB hang clean and jerks (30/15)

Time cap: 20 minutes

Christina Merlo