Friday May 8, 2020
Revel Quaratine WOD #38 with equipment (Time)
5 Rounds for Time
45 Double Unders
15 V-ups
10 Dumbbell Squat Cleans
Revel Quarantine WOD #38 no equipment (Time)
5 Rounds for Time
80 High Knees
15 V-ups
10 Double Lunge Squat
Revel Quaratine WOD #38 with equipment (Time)
5 Rounds for Time
45 Double Unders
15 V-ups
10 Dumbbell Squat Cleans
Revel Quarantine WOD #38 no equipment (Time)
5 Rounds for Time
80 High Knees
15 V-ups
10 Double Lunge Squat