4 Rounds for Time:
250 Meter Row
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Push-ups
250 Meter Row
2 Minute Rest
For Time:
Hang Power Clean (155/105)
Toes to Bar
Handstand Push-ups
3 Rounds for Time
15 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Front Squats (135/95)
5 Ring Muscle-ups
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in 25 Minutes with a partner alternating movements
8 Burpees
10 Dumbbell Power Cleans (50/35)
2 Rope Climbs/10 pull-ups
15/10 Calorie Bike
10 Toes to Bar
For Time:
1500 Meter Row
50 Deadlifts (135/95)
50 Toes to Bar
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Wall Climbs
*break up in any way you like
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in 15 Minutes
4 Handstand Push-ups
6 Alternating Pistols
8 Burpees to a Plate
45 Double Unders
For Time:
Ground to Overhead (95/65)
Box Jumps (24/20)
Rx+ 30/24
4 Intervals for Time:
20 Push-ups
100 Meter Farmers Carry
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest 2 Minutes